ist für den europäischen Filmpreis nominiert!
In genau 222 Tagen werden zum 37. Mal die European Film Awards an die besten europäischen Filme des Jahres verliehen. Es freut uns sehr, dass das Videoessay OUT OF THE BLUE von Morgane Frund zu einem der insgesamt 14 nominierten Kurzfilmen zählt! Die Verleihung des europäischen Filmpreises wird dieses Jahr am 07. Dezember 2024 in Luzern stattfinden.
STATEMENT der Regisseurin Morgane Frund zum Film:
OUT OF THE BLUE started as a videographic research project. I’ve always been angry at the sex scenes of a specific film, but never got the chance to articulate my anger in a precise discourse. So, for my bachelor thesis I decided to have a closer look at the film to find arguments. Along this theoretical approach, something deeply personal merged with the research, and pushed me to create this in-between object, that is both a video-essay and a personal short film.
Since I was working with images that disturbed me, I looked for a way to make their discourse visible without actually showing them again. I found a filter where only the contours are visible, and I made them blue to evoke the original novel that inspired the film.
I hope that, as spectators, we don’t have to remain passive in front of the images that hurt us. We can answer them and create something new from them. I believe that video-essays can be a tool to help us reclaim our stories.